DevFacto LogoSD&D Delivery Guide

Starting Right

In order to start off on the right foot, we should be on the same page on what modern software delivery looks like. Delivering software is a large topic, but there are a few very important movements that have had significant influence on current thinking around delivery:

  • Agile
  • Continuous Delivery, DevOps
  • Continuous Discovery, Product thinking
  • Lean UX

From those, a few core ideas guide our thinking:

  • Committing to an idea at the point of least knowledge is not ideal. We should work in a way that welcomes change and reprioritization.
  • Handoffs create waste and knowledge loss. We should emphasize timely collaboration to prevent knowledge silos and stay aligned.
  • Software only provides value if it's released to production. We should release early and iterate with improvements.
  • Just because something is in production doesn't mean it added value or achieved a goal for the business. We should think about outcomes and how we can measure them for improvement, not just features.

Once we embrace these concepts, our delivery should move away from this:


and move more towards something that looks like this:



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